Rejane Dal Bello

Recent blog posts about Rejane Dal Bello

Books received #58

25 September 2024
Book design, Graphic design, Posters, Reviews

Four titles: Znak. from Ukraine; Darren Leader's Logo Rewind; Present Tense: Wahine Toi Aotearoa from New Zealand; and Unidentified Paper Object No.3

The history and visual language of trademarks; an activist approach to underrepresented voices; and the work of Marion Bataille.

Books received #55

1 December 2023
Book design

Christian Marclay catalogue; concrete poetry anthology; and 50 years of ISTD’s TypoGraphic

Three books about visual culture and typography that crossed Eye’s desks in recent months

Noted #74

6 May 2016
Book design, Graphic design, Photography, Typography, Visual culture

Restoring the Royal Windsor, Anette Lenz’s calendar for Lézard Graphique and Rejane Dal Ballo’s UPO
Here are a few items that caught our attention in recent weeks. Some years ago…

In and out of registration

5 September 2014
Design education, Graphic design, Posters, Typography

Be very afraid … a Deptford primary school houses a design summer camp for grown-ups with a difference
Back to school came early for the 50+ workshop attendees who ventured to a disused…