Friday, 8:42am
22 July 2011

Noted #3

Web typography, happiness, printmaking … and saving the world

More links to sites, articles and interviews that grabbed our attention this week.

Web Typography for the
Cutting-edge technology and typographic explorations (top).

Stefan Sagmeister’s rules for creating happiness
The recent TED talk.

Photo-Lettering has a great overview of its history, along with a slideshow of the company’s famous specimen books.

Grain & Gram Gentleman’s Journal
Interview with printmaker and print shop owner Nick Sambrato (below).

Can designers save the world without creating more stuff?
An interesting read on Good about sustainability in the design of interactions.


Above: Printmaker Nick Sambrato, photo by JonPaul Douglass.

More next week: see also Noted on the bar to your right.

Eye is the world’s most beautiful and collectable graphic design journal, published quarterly for professional designers, students and anyone interested in critical, informed writing about graphic design and visual culture. It’s available from all good design bookshops and online at the Eye shop. For a taste of the new issue, see Eye before you buy on Issuu. Eye 80, Summer 2011, is on its way to subscribers and bookshops worldwide.