Blog: Typography

25 June 2024

Single track to a wide territory

Single track to a wide territory

Interaction and communication were the order of the day at the second ATypI conference to be held in the Southern hemisphere. John D. Berry reports

This year’s ATypI conference in Brisbane, Australia was the smallest ATypI in several decades, writes John Berry

9 May 2024

Birmingham Design Festival 2024

Birmingham Design Festival 2024

Get ready for BDF 2024 (6-8 June) as the annual event focuses on ‘Process’ in graphic, digital and product design plus illustration

We are looking forward to Birmingham Design Festival next month, which Eye is supporting as a media sponsor.

13 February 2024

Books received #56 (magazines)

Books received #56 (magazines)

Magazines with book-like qualities: Notebook, Somesuch Stories, Print Control and Backstage Stories

An overview of four striking indie mags: Notebook, Somesuch Stories, Print Control and Backstage Stories

24 November 2023

Dotting the ‘i’

Dotting the ‘i’

‘Phil Baines shows us how to revel in the joy of graphic design.’ Quentin Newark reviews ‘Extol’

Quentin Newark reviews ‘Extol: Phil Baines Celebrating Letters’ at CSM’s Lethaby Gallery

27 September 2023

Open to interpretation

Open to interpretation

A typographic and literary collaboration between Warren Lehrer and Adeena Karasick dramatises responses to the pandemic. Review by Amy Henry

This striking publication gives voice (and form) to the challenges, triumphs, interactions and realisations of our post-pandemic world …

21 August 2023

Books received #54

Books received #54

Beer mats design; ‘how-to’ create interactive digital spaces; and Japanese-German cultural exchange project.

In the latest embodiment of our ‘books received’ series, Eye looks at three different titles on graphic design and visual culture.

16 June 2023

Best in class

Best in class

The ISTD’s Student Assessment Scheme crosses borders through typographic excellence. Barrie Tullett, who was on the jury, reports

The International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD) began in 1928 …

2 June 2023

Graphic design live #12

Graphic design live #12

Type Tuesday in London; ‘Palace of Typographic Masonry’ in Breda; Guerrilla Girls in Hamburg; and Typographics online and in New York

Presenting the June edition of handpicked current and upcoming events that captured the attention of our editorial team …

15 May 2023

Type for survival

Type for survival

How type design is helping to save Indigenous Canadian languages from extinction. Will Novosedlik reports

English-speaking designers take it for granted that every typeface will be available in their language …

18 April 2023

Books received #53

Books received #53

Big Type; the nature of data; match boxes from Singapore; and posters by Niklaus Troxler
In our latest edition of books received, we look at titles featuring typographically driven graphic design…
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