Blog: Graphic design

24 May 2024

Graphic design live #16

Graphic design live #16

New exhibition by Onomatopee in Eindhoven; ‘Collection Insights’ at Museum für Gestaltung; The Vinyl Factory in London; Typographics 2024 in NYC; and ‘Now You See Us’ at Tate Britain

Current and upcoming events that have piqued our interest: exhibitions, conferences, talks and workshops …

22 May 2024

BIG in Milan

BIG in Milan

The first Biennale Internazionale Grafica takes place from 23-26 May 2024

The Biennale Internazionale Grafica (BIG) opens this week, with four days of exhibitions, talks, etc. across Milan.

9 May 2024

Birmingham Design Festival 2024

Birmingham Design Festival 2024

Get ready for BDF 2024 (6-8 June) as the annual event focuses on ‘Process’ in graphic, digital and product design plus illustration

We are looking forward to Birmingham Design Festival next month, which Eye is supporting as a media sponsor.

27 February 2024

Graphic design live #15

Graphic design live #15

Paula Scher in Munich; Type Tuesday with Astrid Stavro and Luca Pitoni; Ellen Lupton in New York and online; Futuress and Brand New Life in Basel; UVA and Barbara Kruger in London.

Current and upcoming events that have piqued our interest: exhibitions, conferences, talks and workshops …

11 January 2024

Two winners, 2000 losers

Two winners, 2000 losers

Minnesota’s crowd-sourced flag and seal raise questions for professional design practice, writes Steven McCarthy

Minnesota’s crowd-sourced flag and seal raise questions for professional design practice, writes Steven McCarthy

31 December 2023

Women in the room

Women in the room

The fifth edition of the AIAP Women in Design Awards (AWDA) brought together exemplary work from around the world.

The fifth edition of the AIAP Women in Design Awards (AWDA) brought together exemplary work from around the world.

9 October 2023

FEED’s big vision

FEED’s big vision

A conference in Warsaw devoted to Eastern European design launched a conversation about stories yet untold. By Gabriela Matuszyk

A September 2023 conference in Warsaw launched the first Festival Eastern European Design (FEED).

27 September 2023

Open to interpretation

Open to interpretation

A typographic and literary collaboration between Warren Lehrer and Adeena Karasick dramatises responses to the pandemic. Review by Amy Henry

This striking publication gives voice (and form) to the challenges, triumphs, interactions and realisations of our post-pandemic world …

29 August 2023

Graphic design live #14

Graphic design live #14

John Warwicker in Tokyo and Kyoto; Eastern European Design in Warsaw; Hipgnosis and Christopher Wilson in London; and failed posters of environmental crisis.

With summer coming to a close, Eye presents a selection of current and upcoming events worth noting in your calendars …

21 August 2023

Books received #54

Books received #54

Beer mats design; ‘how-to’ create interactive digital spaces; and Japanese-German cultural exchange project.

In the latest embodiment of our ‘books received’ series, Eye looks at three different titles on graphic design and visual culture.

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