

Critique (established 1999) is the regular Eye column by Rick Poynor.

Netherworld of crime

Netherworld of crime

Rick Poynor

A new book expands upon an impressionistic photo-essay about crime by Gordon Parks, including images not published at the time. By Rick Poynor
Recolouring the past

Recolouring the past

Rick Poynor

At a time when image falsification is a source of concern, the digital colourisation of documentary photographs is a retreat from the truth. Photo Critique by Rick Poynor
Instant object of desire

Instant object of desire

Rick Poynor

A Polaroid photo’s aura of ephemeral uniqueness lies in its small white frame and supercharged surface. Photo Critique by Rick Poynor
Whiteness made strange

Whiteness made strange

Rick Poynor

A brave, if flawed book of artists’ photographs addresses racism through the lens of white privilege. Photo Critique by Rick Poynor
Scalpel sharp

Scalpel sharp

Rick Poynor

A UK retrospective examines the explosive photomontages of feminist artist Linder, from the shock of her punk collages to pictures that juxtapose provocation with flowers and dance
Among the spirits

Among the spirits

Rick Poynor

Nadav Kander’s poetic and mysterious portraits of celebrities steal the limelight in his new book The Meeting. Photo Critique by Rick Poynor
Four-wheeled dreams

Four-wheeled dreams

Rick Poynor

A new book of photographs of cars fails to acknowledge the bigger picture. Photo Critique by Rick Poynor
Traces of longing

Traces of longing

Rick Poynor

For Belgian collagist Katrien De Blauwer, making work is both an obsession and an act of therapy. By Rick Poynor
Defiance and revelation

Defiance and revelation

Rick Poynor

A new book of Peter Kennard’s work adds context and background detail to his angry, radical photomontages. Photo Critique by Rick Poynor
Banquet of images

Banquet of images

Rick Poynor

For its 50th anniversary, the Arles festival stages a generous array of contemporary and historical exhibitions. Photo Critique by Rick Poynor.
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