Thursday, 4:13pm
28 June 2012

An orthogonal view of usefulness and meaning

Unjustified texts: perspectives on typography

Robin Kinross,<br>Hyphen Press, &pound;20<br>

As long-time readers of Eye can attest, Robin Kinross is a thoughtful, careful critic who approaches typography and graphic design quite differently from most writers on the subject. He is sceptical about the world of commerce, and particularly about the commercial assumptions so often applied to the business of design. He has been writing about his subject, in one form or another, since his student days at the University of Reading, where he studied typography more than twenty years ago. He comes at the typographical world, as he does the world of British design, from an intentionally oblique angle, undermining its assumptions at every opportunity and doing his best to force it to notice the world beyond its own borders.

It is hard to pin him down . . .