Thursday, 4:13pm
28 June 2012

Cheap and cheerful follow-up to S,M,L,XL [EXTRACT]


By Rem Koolhaas / AMOMA <br>Design: &amp;&amp;&amp;. Ed. Brendan McGetrick<br>Taschen, &pound;6.99<br>

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Brendan McGetrick’s editorial confesses that Content is ‘a product of the moment’, and is, therefore, already out of date. And this really is the content of Content: a dense snapshot of how traditional architecture finds itself to be too slow and unreactive to the volatility and vicissitudes of the contemporary global market. Content’s savvy media obsession – with Big Brother Africa, Martha Stewart, Sex and the City – is a product of AMO’s existential mandate: to speak the language of ephemeral cultural phenomena. TV shows and magazines alter social values at a speed no building can compete with. But is speed the most important criteria of all?

Paul Virilio would say yes. The Pope would disagree. And so on. If form is content, then Content owes its form to designers &&& (Simon Brown and Jon Link). Previously art directors for Jack magazine (post-Loaded, tits with brains etc), &&& have had no prior experience in working with architects. And this is what makes Content so refreshingly impious and new . . .

. . . Content is like watching the stars from a themed hotel room made to look and feel like a stinking gutter. When you’re tired of slumming it, you can check out and just go home.