Thursday, 4:13pm
28 June 2012

Dreams wrapped in blue

SexyMachinery no. 2

Inter 9, The Architectural <br>Association, &pound;12<br>

Bundled into a carefully stitched J-cloth bag, the second edition of this journal contrasts with D&AD’s corpulent annual blockbuster, bound tightly in its bright yellow duster of a dust cover. And, like a yearbook, SexyMachinery comprises an eclectic collection of personal work, mainly on folded posters of varying size and weights, slotted to form booklets, and loosely assembled by editors Shumon Basar and Dominik Kremerskothen, plus guest editor Maria Burnett Gaudiani, with the theme ‘How to disappear is how to appear completely’. A ‘call for entries’ requests ‘curiosities and dreams’ as well as more expected contributions such as drawings and stories. There is a muted, monochrome feel to many of the essays, photographs and meditations on show, as mundane and strange as daydreams.