Monday, 12:00am
10 December 2007

Contents Eye 66

Contents of Eye no. 66 vol. 17

Editorial by John L. Walters

03. Visual Contents

08. Special Section. Technology. The ‘look of Web 2.0’. Does the new wave of website design denote a

shift in communication? Or is it just the ‘new black’? By Robin Richmond

11. Special Section. Technology. Baby Steps. Designers of software for handhelds should take their cue from the medium’s nature to forge an appropriate aesthetic. By Khoi Vinh

12. Special Section. Technology. Predictive text. A short history of the future can only start with a look at yesterday’s latest thing. By Steve Hare

14. Special Section. Technology. Interaction and multimedia. New interfaces in the age of the iPhone:

an open-ended conversation with Bill Moggridge. By Malcolm Garrett

16. Special Section. Technology. Printing.Com. Where digital tools changed design, global communications and Green issues are redefining the world of print. By Simon Esterson

22. Critique. NYRB Classics. Picture a story. Katy Homans’ daring and ambitious cover designs for

New York Review Books confound expectations. By Rick Poynor

24. Picture. Photofit. Wanted: self-images. A police identification kit from the 1970s is the basis

for an intriguing personal project. By John L. Walters

26. Common Knowledge. Truck Paintings. Drive-by dreams. The trucks that ply the roads of Mali and Senegal offer a moving show of landscapes far removed from reality. By Sean O’Toole

32. Profile. Kyle Cooper. Every frame counts: Whatever the genre, each element of Kyle Cooper’s

film titles is a painstakingly executed piece of design. By David Peters

42. Essay. Political Graphics. Whose space? When Neoliberalism plays havoc with our lives, it is time to fight back, and designers wield the sharpest tools. By Noel Douglas

48. Report. Teamphoto. Off the rails. Brian Griffin, who made 1970s management look dark and funny, turns his lens on rail workers and their bosses. By Anne Braybon

54. Overview. Indian Design 1. Megacity snapshots. India’s boom economy is shaking up the local communication industry like there’s no tomorrow. By Sarah Temple

58. Overview. Indian Design 2. Fair trade? Indian advertising has a not-so-hidden message: Change

your skin colour to get the perfect job or mate. By Mouli G. Marur

60. Reputations. Ken Garland. ‘The Nazis had the most effective corporate identity ever – this should warn us. That evil, horrible regime had this superlative corporate identity in which they didn’t tolerate any diversity.’ Interview by Anne Odling-Smee

73. Uncoated. Letters. Noted. Agenda: The ‘L’ word by Steven Heller. Ten pages of Reviews. Books received. Colophon. See Uncoated contents, page 73.