Monday, 12:00am
5 June 2006

Eye 60 contents page

From the contents pages of Eye no. 60 vol. 15

Editorial by John L. Walters

01 Visual contents

02 Critique Multimedia ads Swiss kitsch. Are installations the new billboards, or the

twinkling face of corporate propaganda? By Rick Poynor

04 Picture Multimedia Crystal garden. Crepuscular and cool, the Nobel Field is a ‘living instrument’, played by its visitors. By Peter Blegvad

06 Common knowledge Restaurant signs A sign that eats itself. Cartoon character animals invite hungry passers-by to eat in South Korean restaurants. By Mike Kippenhan

18 Profile Alex McDowell LA art school. From Punk to production design, a career that

includes Minority Report and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. By Malcolm Garrett

28 Essay Motion graphics Images over time. The rich pre-history of motion graphics is filled with inspiration for screen-based image-makers. By Peter Hall and Matt Soar

38 Profile Jeff Scher The alchemist. Animator Scher uses dense, unorthodox techniques to make his highly original, image-rich films. By Steven Heller

46 History Ink Cheap jack flash. Fluorescent inks – costly, dramatic, even

‘vulgar’ – provided 1950s designers with a fresh challenge. By Eric Kindel

52 Archive The Penrose Annual By printers, for printers. Until its 1980s demise, ‘Penrose’ documented a century of printing and design developments. By Steve Hare

60 Practice Scriptographer Tools to make or break. By cracking open commercial software, a new breed of designers is redefining type and image at code level.

By David Womack

73 Letters Marketing is not a dirty word; In praise of the Highfield Art Club; The pantomime of design education; Door-to-door designer mimicry

75 Encounter Lella and Massimo Vignelli talk to Eye

76 Agenda Imperialism by another name?

Design in India. By Steve Rigley

78 Reviews Chip Kidd: Book One. Work: 1986-2006. By Chip Kidd. Reviewed by David Barringer

80 136 Points of Reference By Browns. Edited by Jonathan Ellery

Frost* (sorry trees)

By Frost Design and Lakshmi Bhaskaran.

Reviewed by Dan Nadel

Design: Edward Bawden and Eric Ravilious

By Brian Webb and Peyton Skipworth.

Reviewed by Kerry William Purcell

81 Instant light: Tarkovsky Polaroids

Edited by Giovanni Chiaramonte and Andrey A. Tarkovsky. Reviewed by Adrian Shaughnessy

82 Swiss Graphic Design:The Origins and Growth of an International Style, 1920-1965.

By Richard Hollis. Reviewed by Kerry William Purcell

M / M (Paris), Haunch of Venison, London

Exhibition reviewed by Alex Coles

83 Forms in Modernism: A Visual Set

By Virginia Smith. Reviewed by Steve Hare

84 Albers and Moholy-Nagy: From the Bauhaus to the New World. Tate Modern, London. Reviewed by David Wild

Masters of American Comics. Exhibition and book reviewed by Rick Poynor

85 Moscow Photobiennale 2006

The Sixth International Photography Month.

Reviewed by Wayne Ford

86 Books received

88 Colophon