Opinion: Book design

The woman who took on the Wolf Man

The woman who took on the Wolf Man

Book design, Illustration, Visual culture

Sława Harasymowicz’s first foray into graphic novels illuminates a Freudian case history with thrilling clarity. Critique by Rick Poynor
Regeneration X

Regeneration X

Book design, Illustration, Reviews, Visual culture

Laura Oldfield Ford’s grainy Savage Messiah brings new urgency to an updated punk aesthetic. Critique by Rick Poynor
‘Type-only Penguins sell a million’ shock

‘Type-only Penguins sell a million’ shock

Book design, Typography, Monitor

Penguin uses design to revitalise its back catalogue with Great Ideas and a revived Reference Library

Whatever became of the content?

Book design, Graphic design, New media

Much new design is over-complex and confusing. An alternative current, sharing many of the same assumptions, aims for clarity
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