


Eye editors

Latest addition to the swelling library of typography titles is Letterwork: Creative Letterforms in Graphic…

Russian Avant-Garde Books

Eye editors

For anyone interested in the history of the book, Russian Avant-Garde Books 1917-34 by Susan…

How they lost the paper war

Julia Thrift

When Mary Blake, the paper expert at Greenpeace’s London office, stood up to ask a question…

Talking about my font generation

Jonathan Barnbrook

My first experience of drawing letterforms on the computer was with an early version of Altsys…

Putting design’s house in order

Carel Kuitenbrouwer

Once every six years, the three international federations of industrial, graphic and interior designers stage an…

Typography/Typo Graphics

Indefatigable chroniclers of all that is state of the art, the Japanese have taken to the…

A sharp rap on the knuckles

Sebastian Carter

There is a short story by Balzac, “The Unknown Masterpiece”, in which the young Nicolas Poussin…

Freeze-framed vision bites

The Designers Republic belong to a group of designers that revolve around the music scene and…

Yes, but what does it mean?

Graphic design may be a popular subject in Holland, but there is a distinct lack of…

Playing the game by Rand’s rules

Michael Bierut

Most American graphic designers become irrelevant long before they reach Paul Rand’s age. No doubt he…
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