Blog: Design education

5 August 2009

Visual rhetoric

Visual rhetoric

leslie atzmon

What we mean when we talk about form, by Leslie Atzmon
Like the late American comedian Rodney Dangerfield, aesthetic form ‘don’t get no respect’, writes Leslie…

19 June 2009

Eye 72 is on its way

Eye 72 is on its way

the marketing department

Marian Bantjes, Airfix, MTV and ‘the designer as illustrator’
Here’s the cover of the latest issue of Eye. We like it. And no, it…

28 May 2009

TypoBerlin Day Three

TypoBerlin Day Three

jan middendorp

Jan Middendorp goes into Space and returns to (Sol) Sender
Time for a roundup of TypoBerlin 09, the fourteenth edition of Europe’s largest yearly conference…

18 May 2009

Tolerate this, and your school’s next

Tolerate this, and your school’s next

will holder

Designers deplore plans to sever the Rietveld Academy from its building
Today (18 May, 2009) marks the 42nd birthday of the Rietveld building for the Gerrit…

29 March 2009

Jan van Toorn at the Mermaid

Jan van Toorn at the Mermaid

simon esterson

‘Collecting images is not enough. How democratic is it?’
In a very polite, and very Dutch way, writes Simon Esterson, Jan van Toorn used…

3 February 2009

Teach them to network or be damned

Teach them to network or be damned

deborah littlejohn

Deborah Littlejohn's Agenda from Eye 70 focuses on design education
In ‘I have nothing to declare but my networking skills’ (Eye no.70 vol. 18), Deborah…

3 October 2008

Rick Poynor responds to ‘New Views 2’

Rick Poynor responds to ‘New Views 2’

rick poynor

‘It’s the end of graphic design as we know it.’ See Eye 69
Insular, egocentric, tongue-tied – and over. Yet if there is more visual communication than ever…

2 August 2008

Good at needlework?

Good at needlework?

the research department

Stock seeks your views on the meaning of success for women designers
Jennifer Campbell-Colquhoun and Selina Swayne want to know what you think about graphic design and…
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