Thursday, 4:13pm
28 June 2012

Food for thought for educators [extract]

The Education of an Illustrator

Edited by Steven Heller and <br>Marshall Arisman<br>Allworth Press USD19.95

The Education of an E-Designer claims to be a pioneering work, aimed at educators, professionals and students. A series of short essays, it covers a wide range of issues related to contemporary education for digital media. Digital media education has been with us for ten or more years, and rather than being pioneering, this book is more of an overview of the diversity of issues in the field and the wide range of strategies that people are using to address them in the curriculum. It may help educators crystallise their own positions. The syllabuses are a useful addition, as they give an insight into the range of content as well as providing ideas for people delivering their own courses. The AIGA briefing paper on Curriculum for Experience Design was particularly interesting as an overview, and should have been sequenced earlier on to provide the broader academic context. It would be of less interest to professionals and scary to students, except for a few essays that give them ideas on creating their portfolios (for example Weinman, Vogler) . . .