Summer 2022
Noise free
Tomo Tomo, the Milanese editorial design studio founded by Luca Pitoni and Davide Di Gennaro, aims for clarity and structure. By Paolo Ferrarini. Portrait by Luigi Fiano [EXTRACT]

It is no coincidence that Davide Di Gennaro and Luca Pitoni named their studio Tomo Tomo, which in Italian literally means ‘book book’.
The two graphic designers met at the Politecnico di Milano and, after substantial independent careers, decided to begin a shared endeavour. The studio focuses on editorial work for magazines and large-circulation newspapers as well as independent projects, books and communication, always with a keen eye on the cultural sector. We meet at their office, located in a small apartment in the heart of Milan, overlooking a quiet, inviting courtyard. The rooms are light and thoughtfully laid out at angles, providing space for the piles of books and magazines awaiting a shelf with an orderliness that manages to make peace with the hubbub.
The conversation begins by leafing through and talking about one of the studio’s first projects, a sophisticated bi-monthly travel magazine published by Iperborea called The Passenger. Each issue has a book-like feel. It has been one of the most surprising Italian editorial successes in recent times– in 2018 the first volume was reprinted three times, and today each edition is printed in runs of ten thousand copies. ‘They asked us for design advice, but also about structure,’ they explain. ‘It was Iperborea’s first magazine, conceived at a time when thinking was changing at the publishing house. They wanted a popular crossover product, and that was reflected in our design strategy.’
That strategy is clear in the data and infographics that accompany the articles, designed in clear, precise grids, interspersed with numerous photographs and the odd illustration. Every cover’s colour theme is echoed in the text pages, providing rhythm and an attractive aesthetic quality …
Spread and cover of The Passenger, designed by Tomo Tomo. Each issue of this bi-monthly book/magazine, published by Iperborea, is dedicated to a country or a city and contains long reads, investigations, photographic reportage and narrative essays.

Paolo Ferrarini, professor and editor, Rome
Read the full version in Eye no. 103 vol. 26, 2022
Eye is the world’s most beautiful and collectable graphic design journal, published for professional designers, students and anyone interested in critical, informed writing about graphic design and visual culture. It is available from all good design bookshops and online at the Eye shop, where you can buy subscriptions and single issues.