Germano Facetti

Recent articles about Germano Facetti

Every word in its place

Issue 84, Autumn 2012


Reading Richard Hollis’s writings, one can’t help wondering how the esteemed graphic designer, writer and…

Penguin crime

Issue 53, Autumn 2004


Romek Marber’s 1960s paperback identity is a landmark of independent British design

The image as evidence

Issue 29, Autumn 1998


The career of Germano Facetti is exceptional in its range. As art director of Penguin Book covers in the 1960s and as a designer, he was a powerful influence on book and information design, throwing a special light on Modern Movement aspirations and on attitudes to illustration. Facetti has maintained the concept of “documentary” and diagrammatic illustration to induce understanding, to express emotion, or to accumulate information in a more memorable way.