Blog: Information design
21 January 2015
Mirror on the wall
lisbon, newspapers
The global financial crisis sparked the creation of O Espelho (The Mirror) – a wall newspaper for the streets of Lisbon. By Rose Epple
The first appearance of the Portuguese wall newspaper O Espelho – on 12 November 201…
31 December 2014
Noted #65
Noble Rot and OOMK magazines, the Redstone Press diary and two calendars in glorious colour
Here are a few things that caught our attention as 2014 crossfades into 2015. Quarterly…
23 May 2014
An end to the curatocracy?
‘Chaos at the Museum’ burned bright. The event was a rare opportunity to share new visions for the future of exhibition design, writes Nick Bell
The most unusual thing about the London conference ‘Chaos at the Museum’ was that it…
21 May 2014
Straight from the gentleman in Whitehall
Information posters told British citizens what to do about nearly everything – from posting early to eating potatoes, writes Clare Walters
From protecting national secrets to guiding work choices, from cleaning our teeth to dish-washing, public…
7 May 2014
Books received #8
Adventures in Letterpress, Derek Jarman’s Sketchbook, Ant Colony, Fritz Kahn and Other People’s Dogs
Here is a quick look at some titles that have recently arrived at Eye’s Shoreditch…
24 April 2014
The promise of information
The Information Design Conference 2014 brings together thriving information design communities from around the world. Mark Barratt reports.
This year’s Information Design Conference, held at RIBA in London on 7 and 8 April…
6 March 2014
Irrational responses
GraphicDesign&’s Golden Meaning project provokes designers and illustrators to interpret geometry
Late last month, Lucienne Roberts and Rebecca Wright of GraphicDesign& launched their publication Golden Meaning…
13 February 2014
Book of revelations
Michael Rock delivers more words about buildings and fnord
The uncontroversial premise of Multiple Signatures is that design is a collaborative act, writes David…
7 February 2014
Curiosity thrills
The Design of Understanding 2014 conference took a look beyond information design and graphics … to dolls and data
The Design of Understanding 2014 conference at St Bride Library could have been named The…
23 January 2014
Ken Briggs: 1931-2013
A great Modernist graphic designer. Fraser Muggeridge pays tribute
Ken Briggs has died at his home in Eltham, South London aged 82 after struggling…