Monday, 8:00am
28 July 2008
Founding father of infodesign
How Will Burtin used design for science in exhibitions and magazines

Above: the walk-in Cell exhibition, a million times larger than life, designed by Will Burtin for UpJohn. From Design and Science: The Life and Work of Will Burtin, reviewed by Eye art director Simon Esterson in Eye no. 68.
Below: more Burtin art direction, as seen in an early Eye article about Fortune (which Burtin art directed from 1945-49) by magazine design expert William Owen.

Above: spread from Eye no. 2 showing three Fortune covers art-directed by Will Burtin. Left: April 1946, illustrated by Lester Beall; right below, July 1946 illustrated by Ladislav Sutnar; right above; December 1946, illustrated by Alvin Lustig. The centre right cover, October 1943, was art-directed by Peter Piening and illustrated by Herbert Matter. Below: covers from Scope, Upjohn’s pioneering house magazine, which use Burtin’s information graphics to explain complex scientific ideas.

See more Burtin images at thingstolookat.
Eye is the world’s most beautiful and collectable graphic design journal, published for professional designers, students and anyone interested in critical, informed writing about graphic design and visual culture. It’s available from all good design bookshops and online at the Eye shop, where you can buy subscriptions, back issues and single copies of the latest issue. For a visual sample, see Eye before you buy on Issuu. You can also find us on EyeFacebook.