Thursday, 4:13pm
28 June 2012

Pictures on the book pages [extract]

The Photobook: A History (Volume 1)

By Martin Parr &amp; Gerry Badger<br>Phaidon, &pound;45 / €75 <br>

The history of photographic books has rarely been explored in any depth. The most notable attempt to date, The Book of 101 Books: Seminal Photographic Books of the Twentieth Century by Andrew Roth was published in 2001 (PPP Editions) and quickly became essential reading to anyone interested in the history of photography and its relationship with the book.

The Photobook goes further, exploring the book from the birth of photography (such as William Henry Fox Talbot’s collaboration with botanist William Jackson Hooker) to the present day, through such chapters as: ‘The First Photobooks: Topography and Travel’ and ‘Medium and Message: The Photobook as Propaganda’. [...]