15 May 2023

Type for survival

Type for survival

Will Novosedlik

How type design is helping to save Indigenous Canadian languages from extinction. Will Novosedlik reports

English-speaking designers take it for granted that every typeface will be available in their language …

18 April 2023

Books received #53

Books received #53

Paul Kahn, Eye editors

Big Type; the nature of data; match boxes from Singapore; and posters by Niklaus Troxler
In our latest edition of books received, we look at titles featuring typographically driven graphic design…

11 April 2023

Graphic design live #11

Graphic design live #11

Eye editors, the editors

Félix Beltrán in Madrid; contemporary book design from China in Berlin; female design in Mexico; and Emigre and Fuse typefaces in New York
Here is a selection of current and upcoming events that piqued the interest of our editorial…

4 April 2023

Variable grunge

Variable grunge

Paul Barnes

The typewriter typeface formerly known as ‘Trixie’ gets a makeover and a new name: Neither Confirm Nor Deny (NCND). By Paul Barnes

Trixie was perfect for the age of grunge. It became a visual shorthand for typewriters, with the quality of authenticity …

6 March 2023

Books received #52

Books received #52

Eye editors

Weisbeck’s experiments; working class Covid-19 diaries; Connew’s vocabulary of colonisation; Shore’s photographic craft.
We have compiled a list of intriguing titles that have piqued our interest in recent months…

13 February 2023

Graphic design live #10

Graphic design live #10

Eye editors

Sara De Bondt in London; Haettenschweiler in Zurich; Shaping Protest in Ulm; Polish poster and type design in California; and Extinction Rebellion in London.
Here is a selection of current and upcoming events – page to stay up to date…

6 February 2023

Covid visualisations: 2023 update

Covid visualisations: 2023 update

Paul Kahn

Paul Kahn reflects upon the way Covid-19 data visualisations and reporting have changed over the past three years

In 2021, when ‘The pandemic that launched a thousand visualisations’ was published in Eye 101, there were hundreds of visualisations per week

23 January 2023

Books received #51

Books received #51

Eye editors

En-suites by the seaside; floating letters in Brazil; Harlow front porches; and Parisian type

Four books that caught our attention: on seaside en-suites, floating letters in Brazil, Harlow front porches and Parisian type.

15 January 2023

Graphic design live #9

Graphic design live #9

Eye editors

Adana in London; Marclay in Paris; revolutionary graphics from Mexico and Germany in Los Angeles; and label art from Ireland in Dublin
Here are some January 2023 events highlights for your diaries. To stay up to date with…

7 January 2023

Colin Forbes 1928-2022

Colin Forbes 1928-2022

Patrick Baglee

The death of Colin Forbes closes a significant chapter in the history of British graphic design. Obituary by Patrick Baglee

Thoughtful and methodical, serious about the work, Forbes’s diffidence was belied by the confidence and thoroughness of his output.

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