Issue 33


Editorial, John L. Walters
The first editorial by Eye’s new editor
Erotic portfolio or ‘artcore’ porn?
Rick Poynor
While pornography invades the mainstream, a glossy magazine treats sexual imagery with unashamed delight. Critique by Rick Poynor
Exploration, reflection and storytelling can create a discipline that binds together all aspects of design…
Screen, Jessica Helfand
Visual data is often all we need: sound can divert the mind from interpretation, from completing the gesture. By Jessica Helfand


Reputations: Bob Gill
Patrick Baglee
‘I’ve never had a problem with a dumb client. There’s no such thing as a bad client. Part of our job is to do good work and get the client to accept it.’ Interview by Patrick Baglee
First Things First Manifesto 2000
Jonathan Barnbrook, Tibor Kalman, Ellen Lupton, Katherine McCoy, Rick Poynor, Abbott Miller, Lucienne Roberts, Jan van Toorn, Rudy VanderLans, Bob Wilkinson, Nick Bell, Jeffery Keedy, Zuzana Licko, Armand Mevis, Andrew Howard, Jessica Helfand, Milton Glaser, Andrew Blauvelt, Hans Bockting, Irma Boom, Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, Max Bruinsma, Sian Cook, Linda van Deursen, Chris Dixon, William Drenttel, Gert Dumbar, Simon Esterson, Vince Frost, Ken Garland, Erik Spiekermann
Thirty-three visual communicators renew the 1964 call for a change of priorities
Michael Worthington
New media is undergoing the kind of definition print went through centuries ago. A meditation on the status of moving and static typography
J.J. King
A recent festival of new film-making showed what happens to creativity when designer/directors \'orientalise\' their digital tools
UNA (London) designers
A culture of forgetfulness and suspicion provides the ideal conditions under which our daily routines can be read for signs of weakness
John O'Reilly
Whether technology threatens the death of the album sleeve or signals a new era, there is no lack of spectacle as music design goes supernova
Adrian Shaughnessy
The urban swagger of this small label’s music is mirrored by its freewheeling ‘house style’. By Adrian Shaughnessy
Robin Kinross
This swiss company has pioneered inventive solutions to the practical and aesthetic challenges of "branding" a radical programme of recordings
Punk uncovered: an unofficial history of provincial opposition
Ian Noble, Russell Bestley
British punk gave a sound, a voice and a visual currency to the disenfranchised and remote. Overlooked, uncelebrated and difficult – the output of the anonymous artworkers who packaged the vinyl spewed out by punk’s first waves captured the oppositional (and occasionally political) spirit of the time. By Russell Bestley and Ian Noble.