Michael Rock
Recent articles by Michael Rock
P. Scott Makela is wired
Issue 12, Spring 1994
Does Minneapolis-based Makela’s electro-futurism embody the end of the 1980s or a new avant-garde?
The Museum of the Ordinary
Issue 28, Summer 1998
The exhibits are the entire contents of a swathe of blocks on downtown New York. A proposal and manifesto. By Michael Rock and Susan Sellers
Beyond typography
Issue 15, Winter 1994
Fuse’s talented team is on an inspired quest to ‘Make it new!’ But what is the project really about?
What is this thing called graphic design criticism?
Issue 16, Spring 1995
In the last ten years a substantial body of critical writing on graphic design has amassed. In this transatlantic dialogue, Rick Poynor and American design critic Michael Rock explore the state of design criticism now and put the arguments for different approaches
This is not a cigar
Issue 8, Autumn 1992
Graphic design has always resisted analysis, but new critical approaches show there is more to understanding the medium than first meets the eye
The designer as author
Issue 20, Spring 1996
Graphic authorship is taken for granted by many design theorists and it is gaining ground within practice, too. But the idea has received little sustained examination. What does it mean and what is really possible?