Wolff Olins

Recent articles about Wolff Olins

Michael Wolff, seagull

Issue 107, Winter 2025


He recruited birds and foxes into branding. Now his close collaborators have made a book of his work. By Simon Esterson

Going off brand

Issue 105, Autumn 2023


Jason Grant and Oliver Vodeb’s uncompromising handbook of theory and action ends slyly with a…

Online rhetoric

Issue 90, Summer 2015


Though intended to make its contents ‘democratic’, art website The Space is a perplexing jumble. Critique by Rick Poynor

Recent blog posts about Wolff Olins

Ready, Offset, go!

6 March 2015
Graphic design, Illustration, Reviews, Typography, Visual culture

Annie Atkins and Sue Murphy talk about their Offset 2015 presentations, their award-winning work, Irish design … and gender balance. By Anna Kealey
The Offset conference has a well earned reputation as an egalitarian event with a uniquely…

In and out of registration

5 September 2014
Design education, Graphic design, Posters, Typography

Be very afraid … a Deptford primary school houses a design summer camp for grown-ups with a difference
Back to school came early for the 50+ workshop attendees who ventured to a disused…

Books received #7

16 March 2014
Book design, Graphic design, Magazines, Music design, Reviews

Pop Art Design, The Magazine 19, Punk 45, D&AD 2013 and REsolutions
Here are brief reviews of some titles that recently arrived at Eye’s Shoreditch office. Pop…

Noted #45

26 October 2012
Graphic design, Illustration, Posters, Typography, Visual culture

Sneaker art, Coverthink on news design, Kerouac, Lubalin, letterpress and a letter from the Gentle Author.
This week in Noted: branding, editorial design, Kerouac’s scroll, letterpress, more Herb Lubalin and an…

Golden conundrum

10 August 2012
Brand madness, Critical path, Typography, Visual culture

Five years on, the ‘dissonant’ London 2012 visual identity still doesn’t work. Meanwhile, designers pine for Tokyo, Mexico City and Munich … By Elizabeth Glickfeld
‘Let the games begin,’ they said, and so to the latest round of logo-bashing writes…

Noted #39

13 July 2012
Graphic design, Posters, Typography, Visual culture

Olympic graphics watch – pictograms, logos & signs that keep the flame alive
Here are a few reflections on Olympics graphics that caught our attention.More to come –…