Type Tuesday,
John L. Walters
The wider world’s interpretation of type and typography can be broad, vague, prejudiced, opinionated, highly…
Visual culture,
Rick Poynor
Though intended to make its contents ‘democratic’, art website The Space is a perplexing jumble. Critique by Rick Poynor
Mark Thomson
‘My father was a mechanic. Respect – for tools and for the material with which you work – is one thing I got from him. When the chisel is not sharp enough to do a certain job, even if it is just one cut, do not think you can get away with it. Sharpen the chisel properly and only then use it for what you wanted to do.’
Kat Phan
For the underground railway of Russia’s capital, wayfinding experts City ID commissioned A2-Type to make the Metro’s first typeface and pictogram system
Sam Roberts, Lara Cécile Krüper
Signwriter Pete Hardwicke has left his mark on a significant area of London
Paul Barnes
Through his ideas, collecting and dogged research, the former St Bride librarian has shown that printing history can be both lively and opinionated. The world of typography owes him a great debt
Sarah Snaith
Micha Weidmann’s art direction for a cookbook by London chef Ollie Dabbous, with photographs by Joakim Blockstrom
Gerry Leonidas, John Hudson, Neelakash Kshetrimayum, Kamal Mansour, Pascal Zoghbi, Eye critics
As digital tools liberate type design from arcane limitations, more people become free to communicate using their own alphabets and languages. Gerry Leonidas chairs a panel of designers discussing the global state of ‘non-Latin’ type
Cyrus Highsmith
A short type design course will never turn you into a type designer. But it may make you a better typographer