Opinion: Agenda


The language is the logo


Corporate identity design should look more at the underlying structures of the project, rather than merely roll out acronyms and symbols: systems are stronger than signs

The end of the line


By favouring drawing over communication in the selection of students, graphic design education is missing the point

Copyleft and copyright


Time to examine the debates about the ownership of intellectual property

Not as other media


Web designers must face some tough questions

Just say no. . . quietly


'First Things First' really means 'let's get our priorities right'. It's about daring to say no…

The end of history lite


Exploration, reflection and storytelling can create a discipline that binds together all aspects of design…

Publishing by numbers


The boom in lavish graphic design books bulging with the latest cool images cannot conceal the…

Britain at Groucho's


An extract from Labour Camp

Design beyond commodification


Designers can 'smuggle in' social issues as part of a personal agenda, but politics is unavoidable…

Are you sure you need that new logo?

Brand madness, Information design, Visual culture, Agenda

Graphic designers fill the world with a Babel of signs. Is it time we took them away again? By Ken Garland
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