John D. Berry

Recent articles by John D. Berry

Easy reading

Issue 98, Spring 2019


Paul Luna has written a very thorough explanation of typography as a subject and a…

Type conference for the ‘little guys’ [extract]

Issue 62, Winter 2006


The existence of TypeCon speaks to the popularity of type – or fonts, as most…

Typographic footnotes for the future

Issue 45, Autumn 2002


This heavy little compendium is a mixed bag. It’s accurately self-described on the cover as…

Impressions of another time

Issue 25, Summer 1997


In an attempt to re-assess the foundations of today’s electronic type design, Fred Smeijers went…

Legible in public space

Issue 67, Spring 2008


Whether as labelling, wayfinding or mere decoration, letters bring function and form to the built environment. By John D. Berry

Recent blog posts about John D. Berry

Single track to a wide territory

25 June 2024
Reviews, Typography, Events and exhibitions

Interaction and communication were the order of the day at the second ATypI conference to be held in the Southern hemisphere. John D. Berry reports

This year’s ATypI conference in Brisbane, Australia was the smallest ATypI in several decades, writes John Berry

Tokyo two-track

4 November 2019
Design education, Design history, Graphic design, Typography

The scripts of East and Southeast Asia came to the fore at the annual ATypI conference. John D. Berry reports
Not surprisingly, the 2019 ATypI conference in Tokyo had a large participation by East Asian…

From sideline to centre stage

11 April 2012
Graphic design, Reviews, Technology, Typography

TYPO San Francisco shows the way digressions can become the main event
The level of talks at TYPO San Francisco was uniformly high, writes John D. Berry (also…