John L. Walters
One of the ‘hidden themes’ that occasionally resonates through Eye’s pages is that of ‘life after…
Rick Poynor
Are installations the new billboards? Or the twinkling face of corporate propaganda? Critique by Rick Poynor
Letter to the editor,
Darren Whittingham
Letter from Darren Whittingham, Start
Letter to the editor,
Christopher Brawn
Letter from Christopher Brawn
Simon Esterson, John L. Walters
Lella and Massimo Vignelli talk to Eye’sJohn L. Walters and Simon Esterson
Steve Rigley
India’s designers need to compete globally, but Western-style professionalisation could threaten the country’s confidence
Malcolm Garrett
From Punk to production design: the widescreen career of Alex McDowell
Peter Hall
The rich pre-history of motion graphics is filled with inspiration for screen-based image-makers
Eric Kindel
Fluorescent inks – costly, dramatic, even ‘vulgar’ – provided 1950s designers with a fresh challenge
Steve Hare
Until its 1980s demise, ‘Penrose’ documented a fascinating trail of printing and design developments
Peter Blegvad
Crepuscular and cool, the Nobel Field is a ‘living instrument’, played by its visitors
Mike Kippenhan
Cartoon-like characters in logos and on signage are ubiquitous in South Korea
Steven Heller
Animator Jeff Scher uses dense, unorthodox techniques to make his highly original, image-rich films
David Womack
By cracking open commercial software, a new breed of graphic designer is redefining type and image at code level